Does money really buy happiness?


My family has a special treatment for a disease. Name of that disease is “Pachghat. (A fester which has five mouth.) Generally it occurs on the back with unbearable pain.

People come at my place for cure. I have witnessed many people who have more than 3–4 operations but still it remained uncured.

One sunday, an expensive car stopped at my doorstep. A rich family, in which an uncle around 45, and his wife stepped out from the car followed by his daughter. They all have an expression which I can’t describe in words.

After asking, I get to know, that the women is suffering from the same disease. They have several operations at PGI, but it remains same.

After the treatment, I told them to come after few days.

After few days, when they come. The happiness on their faces can easily seen. I saw that it was completely cured.


They ask us for money, which my family refused from taking, and told them to distribute some sweets outside any temple.

  • In the whole, does they require money for the priceless happiness they got?
  • Am not I happy, after refusing money?

We cured uncountable number of such patients. And we never take a penny from anyone.

Why we do? It make us happy to know that we are the reason behind someone happiness.

The most beautiful things are not associated with money

Happiness is a difficult word to define. Money can buy things, which can make you happy. But you can’t buy happiness. The way of measuring happiness is different for everyone.


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A Few Quotes Part 1

1929207_481203425421622_3803898741232480003_nBeing busy is an excuse that many people use to avoid certain things and in the end it usually makes it worse. The most important thing is not to make a living but to make a life, which means to make time for family and  friends. It’s not easy too find much time for making a life since most people are on a 8 hour corporate treadmill everyday to make a living, but all of that can change once you make the choice to change as well.

ALL THAT IS NECESSARY Continue reading “A Few Quotes Part 1”

Pyramid Schemes. Real or scam?

A pyramid scheme is basically a pyramid with one person at the top and with more people underneath that person and with more people underneath them and so on and this forms a pyramid shape when it’s complete. For whatever reason the pyramid is built it’s usually to benefit the people in the pyramid, especially the ones at the peak.

pyramid scheme 1

There are many places and ways that pyramid schemes are used and if you come to look at it pyramid schemes are used basically everywhere and you may be involved in one right now even though you may not look at it that way.  Every company is built in a pyramid scheme type of way just the pros and cons of a company pyramid scheme always vary depending on the products and services produced and the ideas used. Basically all manufacturing companies are built in a pyramid scheme with the regular workers and laborers who do most of the work at the very bottom of the pyramid which forms the foundation of the company. And needless to say without the regular workers the whole company collapses and shuts down since there is no one to do all the work anymore.

On the next level, above the regular workers, are the lead hands and supervisors and these people usually lead and oversee the manufacturing processes.  On the next level up are the managers which manage all the products.  Even higher are the vice presidents and then finally at the peak the ceo or president (aka boss). Most people are involved in this kind of pyramid scheme and are lead to believe that all other pyramid schemes are scams and not legit or real.  I am certainly not saying that there aren’t pyramid schemes that are scams but there certainly are other pyramid schemes that are real and legit besides the conventional ones. If you look at how this world is all set up you will soon realize that just about everything is set up in a pyramid scheme and that each pyramid scheme has different kinds of pros and cons.

In all pyramid schemes the one at the very is obviously the on benefiting the most because everyone under him gives the top person something of benefit whether it be services money, products or time. So basically the idea of a pyramid scheme is to collect some portion of the benefits from the people underneath you in the pyramid. This means if you have one hundred people under you and you receive just 1% of what they produce or make and they each make hundred dollars you will receive one dollar from each of them thus you get hundred dollar but you didn’t do anything except to get them under you. This just happens in pyramid schemes that have great pros and benefits.

The typical manufacturing company pyramid scheme doesn’t have very good pros and  benefits like some pyramid schemes have and offer.  It’s also really hard for any of the laborers and regular workers to get any higher in this kind of pyramid scheme, even if they do a very good job and have been working there for years.

On the other hand there are the pyramid schemes where you benefit a lot and the harder you work the more money you make and the more benefits you receive.  Also the harder you work in a pyramid scheme like that the more leverage you get which means you will need to do less but will be receiving the same amount of money or benefits.  The reasons these kind of pyramid schemes are usually discredited is because they are usually online and online its easy to scam people and also because the big corporations have no control and neither does the government have control over these companies online since the pyramid schemes are completely decentralized  and often use bitcoin or other ways of payment or benefits. Also in these pyramid schemes it’s easier to get to a higher level and there is a direct relationship between how high you get in the pyramid and how much work and effort you put in.


Pyramid schemes are seen everywhere if you pay a little attention to our world.  They come with all kinds of different pros and cons and the ones with the best pros are usually online but require self-motivated work and effort.

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This Simple Toothpaste Will Save you Money, is Super Healthy and May Even Heal Cavities!!

20170319_161354Toothpaste is something we use everyday and is one of the most important things of daily life even if may not seem like it. Keeping our teeth clean and healthy is something most of us were taught when we were still very young. What we were not taught is how simple it is to make your own toothpaste and how beneficial it is. The best part is that this toothpaste has the power to heal some cavities especially if used everyday for a long time. Continue reading “This Simple Toothpaste Will Save you Money, is Super Healthy and May Even Heal Cavities!!”